Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
order_status |
Initial status of the order (on hold = 0, normal = 1, rush = 2; default = normal). See order_status. |
order_status |
None. |
order_number |
Only letters, digits or '-' sign are allowed. |
string |
Required Max length: 25 |
account_number |
Value assigned to you by DCL. |
string |
Required Max length: 10 |
ordered_date |
Date in ISO-8601 format. Only date part (no time) is required ('YYYY-MM-DD'). |
date |
None. |
po_number |
Purchase Order Number. The value will be truncated to the allowed length if longer than 25 characters. |
string |
Max length: 25 |
customer_number |
You can store your customer id for reference. Also, highly recommended for B2B account. |
string |
Max length: 25 |
acknowledgement_email |
[Obsolete] If not empty, an order acknowledgement will be sent to the email address. |
string |
Max length: 40 |
freight_account |
For Freight charges billed.
string |
Required Max length: 10 |
consignee_number |
If freight charges are being billed to a third party account or are collect, provide the third party account number
for that carrier. |
string |
Max length: 25 |
shipping_carrier |
Shipping carrier name (example: 'UPS'). |
string |
Required Max length: 30 |
shipping_service |
Shipping service name (example: 'GROUND'). |
string |
Required Max length: 30 |
system_id |
Need to be set as 'P' (default) or 'B' for B2B orders. In case of B2B orders, custom_field4 is required to have the Vendor Number. |
string |
None. |
shipping_address |
Shipping address. |
address |
Required |
billing_address |
Billing address. |
address |
None. |
international_code |
0 = Domestic order
integer |
None. |
order_subtotal | decimal number |
None. |
shipping_handling | decimal number |
None. |
sales_tax | decimal number |
None. |
international_handling | decimal number |
None. |
total_due | decimal number |
None. |
amount_paid | decimal number |
None. |
net_due_currency | decimal number |
None. |
balance_due_us | decimal number |
None. |
international_declared_value | decimal number |
None. |
insurance | decimal number |
None. |
payment_type | string |
Max length: 25 |
terms |
Incoterms, highly recommended for international orders. |
string |
Max length: 20 |
fob |
string |
Max length: 30 |
packing_list_type |
This is assigned to you by DCL. Use "100" if no packing list needed. |
integer |
None. |
packing_list_comments |
It will appear on the packing list. |
string |
Max length: 255 |
shipping_instructions |
Not printed on packing list; comments for Distribution Clerks. |
string |
Max length: 255 |
custom_field1 | string |
Max length: 20 |
custom_field2 | string |
Max length: 20 |
custom_field3 | string |
Max length: 20 |
custom_field4 |
For B2B orders (see system_id), set the Vendor Number. |
string |
Max length: 20 |
custom_field5 | string |
Max length: 20 |
lines |
List of lines included in the order. |
Collection of line |
Required |